Wednesday, November 14, 2007

My Bridge Article Nov. 2007 (unabridged, ha ha)

Hi, my name is Jen. I am a child of God, and I serve at PCC in the music department. I returned to PCC last year and became a substitute worship leader for the 12-step program called Celebrate Recovery. Now I am a member of the Sunday @ 6 band, playing guitar and singing background or lead vocals. I also coordinate the schedule for worship leaders that volunteer at Celebrate Recovery.
Today, my life has been impacted so much by worship, it revolves around it! Worshiping God has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. I was always singing in this kid's choir or that youth band or learning to lead and play guitar at Campus Club here at PCC. I was the shy girl who sat alone by the door for three years in high school. Afraid to get up front yet longing to learn all the songs, I stayed afterwards to get copies of the music. (I still have them!) I would tape record the music at youth group and practice my guitar at home. I practiced everyday. At times I thought I was just learning the songs and practicing guitar, but really I was worshiping God everyday by singing to Him and meaning and loving the words and scripture I was imprinting on my mind. "Bless Yahweh, oh bless Him, let all that is within me sing praise to His glory and bless His holy name; for He is kind and merciful to all who call upon His name. Oh praise Him for all of His love." By my senior year, I was up front, guitar in hand, fear gone, and well on my way toward leading entire church services, youth groups, and U.S. Army recruits to God in praise.

I love the joy that comes from bringing people to God’s window as He listens to the laughter and praise from His children. I love being available and ready to jump in at a moment’s notice. I may not think I’m able to talk to someone on the street about God or get up in front of a group and give a talk, but if you ask me to lead a few songs, God has blessed me with the courage. And the fact that you can sing a song no matter where you are makes your voice the ultimate musical instrument: created by God, in His own image, a reflection of His voice, and absolutely portable!

Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy.
Psalm 33:3

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