Monday, February 11, 2008

Sometimes I Say It Pretty Well Too...

Ahhh, "vacation." Right now, I'm sitting on the couch at Steve's place and we are watching X-Files all day on the Sci-Fi Channel. But we are also each on our own laptops; (what's the world coming to?) he's playing Texas Hold 'Em and I'm finding and listening to new music, Googling things we see in commercials, and checkin' the old email.

See, yesterday was our 12-year-anniversary and even though we aren't going anywhere special, we kind of are, because we are together, just living. It's nice. Thanks to everyone who has been praying for us. Our plan is to find a place that we can afford and takes dogs around April 1 (no joke...) when Steve's lease is up.

There's so much more going on, but that's the general plan for now. God works miracles.

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Stockton, CA, United States
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